
11:00 - 12:00


KEYNOTE SPEECH: Mihai Precup, Secretar de Stat, Ministerul Finanțelor

The digital world needs a digital mindset, both in the public and the private sector. In order to create a truly digital future, we need all major players to work together to harness the power of innovation and technology for a common development agenda.

Thriving in this new agile environment requires a different way of thinking for a new future. Meet the main public and private actors that are currently working for the digitalization of the national and local administration, of businesses and of the society as a whole.

  • Robert BogdanffyPublic Affairs Director, ANIS
  • Carlo DriussiVicepresedinte Executiv GBS UniCreditBank
12:00 - 13:00


The business world gets smart! Innovation brings mobile apps, AI, machine learning, robots, but also new business processes and strategies that change the way companies operate in this connected environment.

How do you prepare for the future challenges of the new normal and find the best tools to succeed in the digital-first environment? Using technology can help to quickly scale-up a good idea and build a strong product or service with global impact.

  • Ioan IacobCEO Flowx.AI
  • Vlad MacelaruFondator ClarK
13:00 - 14:00


How do you identify, implement and maximize the impact of innovative ideas for the entire business? Find out how companies adopt and adapt to innovation and how tomorrow's technologies bring changes for today's business models.

Meet the innovators that are creating that future, blending virtual and augmented reality with breakthrough technologies to change the world and are finding new ways to fund and grow their business.

  • Virgil StanManager B2B, Burlington English
  • Mario PopescuCEO Tailent
  • Andrei DumitrașcuCofondator, Softlead